Instant Knockout Cut

97% of 100

Cutting edge weight management supplement designed to increase your metabolism and help you to shred.

  • Used by pro athletes
  • 120 capsules in each bottle
  • Suitable for Vegans
  • FREE Boss Shred (Worth: $149)*
    - Easy to follow video program
    - Detailed nutrition E-Books
    - 4 Month body transformation
  • Free US & UK delivery when you buy 2 or more bottles

*FREE Boss Workouts Program when buying 2 months and 3 Months + 1 Free options.


As low as 65,00 €
  • Aiuta
    a tagliare
  • Metabolismo
    più rapido
  • Incremento
  • Controllo
  • Ingredienti
  • Scelto dai

Vuoi fare un cambiamento?

Anche gli atleti professionisti hanno difficoltà a ridurre il proprio peso tempo per una gara, un combattimento o un evento. Tutti a volte facciamo fatica a tenere a bada il peso in eccesso, ed è per questo Instant Knockout Cut è nato. Era progettato per i professionisti, ma ora è disponibile per te...

Portalo in cima

Instant Knockout Cut è stato sviluppato per aiutare i professionisti a gestire il proprio peso tutto l'anno. È un integratore per la gestione del peso. Come i professionisti, se vuoi combattere per raggiungere la vetta, dovrai tieniti in forma.

ingredienti di origine naturale superiori e più intelligenti

Instant Knockout Cut is the leading weight management supplement and the only one trusted by real athletes.

We’ve carefully researched the most effective weight management ingredients on the market and included them in our new, improved and clinically-backed formula.

  • Increase your metabolism naturally
  • Control hunger cravings
  • Get an intense, thermogenic burn

Under the hood - Ingredients

Per accendere davvero il potenziale di distruzione del tuo corpo, abbiamo incluso una serie di ingredienti chiave come: 

Green Tea Extract

Estratto di tè verde

Vitamin D3

Vitamina D3

Vitamina D3

Cayenne Pepper

Pepe di Caienna

Black Pepper Extract

Estratto di pepe nero

Questi si combinano per liberare le loro proprietà termogeniche e aiutarti a sentire il bruciore.

Per aiutarti a motivare il tuo prossimo allenamento abbiamo incluso stimolanti naturali:


Caffeina anidra

Vitamin B6

Vitamina B6

Vitamin B12

Vitamina B12

Ciò garantisce un incremento naturale dei tuoi livelli di energia senza incidenti o affaticamento di conseguenza.

Guy with wrapped first

Qual è la soluzione?

Scientificamente formulato per combattimento, forza e sport attivi, Instant Knockout Cut è l'unico integratore per la gestione del peso scelto dagli atleti professionisti. La sua potente gamma di ingredienti chiave agisce insieme per combattere l'eccesso di peso e ottenere sei in forma.

Ottieni il look Taglio

Instant Knockout Cut è ora disponibile per te. Usarlo può aiutarti a perdere peso e rivelare addominali, becchi e gambe scolpiti e braccia. È ora di smettere di preoccuparsi del proprio peso e raggiungere una mentalità da campione. Agisci ora, acquista Instant Knockout Cut.

All natural ingredients

Prendere il controllo. Impegnati a cambiare. Iscriviti ora.

Non perdere mai più un ordine - Iscriviti e approfitta di pacchetti flessibili, annulla in qualsiasi momento progettati per adattarsi al tuo stile di vita attivo.

Risparmia un ulteriore 10%

Iscriviti a Instant Knockout Cut e ricevi 10 % di sconto sul prezzo normale. Risparmia alla grande con i nuovi pacchetti Instant Knockout Cut in abbonamento.

Annulla in qualsiasi momento

Esatto, hai il diritto di annullare, mettere in pausa o saltare le spedizioni in qualsiasi momento! Abbonati a qualsiasi prodotto Instant Knockout con facilità.

Regulated, endored and verified by the FDA

Qualità regolamentata, approvata e verificata

Tutti i prodotti Instant Knockout sono realizzati per massima qualità possibile in strutture approvate da FDA e cGMP. Prendiamo sul serio la nostra reputazione, ed è il motivo per cui non prendiamo scorciatoie e ci assicuriamo che tutti i nostri prodotti siano regolamentato e sicuro.

Tutti i nostri ingredienti sono ricercati meticolosamente per il massimo impatto ma anche per il tuo sicurezza. Stai certo che stai utilizzando ingredienti di origine naturale, tutti realizzati secondo i più alti standard possibili qui negli Stati Uniti.

Perché i nostri clienti adorano Instant Knockout

Nick, USA

Nick, USA

Age: 19, Goals: Shred down

“The results seen from Instant Knockout, while mixed with proper diet and training is amazing. I’ve tried a few others and none seemed to work as well as Instant Knockout.”

Joe, UK

Joe, UK

Age: 21, Goals: Shred fat after injury

“I used Instant Knockout for 8 weeks in order to try and shred the last bits of fat before the summer holidays. Within the first week I noticed that I had much greater energy levels, and I was now reaching PBs in the gym. The appetite suppressing effects of Instant Knockout were able to stop me from snacking on chocolate bars and crisps in between meals.”

Karol-ann, Canada

Karol-ann, Canada

Age: 20, Goals: Cut down

“Before I started taking this product I was 135 pounds. I took this product for only 2 months and with a bit of dedication I lost 15 pounds. I am so happy with the results and I have more energy and feel better then ever.”

Storie di successo

Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image
Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image
Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image

Domande frequenti

Instant Knockout Cut è adatto alle donne?

Sì! Perché gli uomini dovrebbero essere gli unici autorizzati a ottenere grandi risultati? Anche le donne possono farlo con Instant Knockout Cut.

Quanto spesso prendo Instant Knockout Cut?

Per ottenere i migliori risultati, ti consigliamo di assumere 1 capsula con un bicchiere d'acqua quattro volte al giorno. Prendi il primo appena ti svegli, il secondo tra colazione e pranzo, il terzo un'ora dopo il pranzo e il quarto un'ora prima del pasto serale. Assicurati di prendere l'ultima dose entro e non oltre 5 ore prima di andare a letto.

Contiene stimolanti?

Sì, Instant Knockout Cut contiene stimolanti naturali, quindi non ti consigliamo di prenderlo con altri integratori che contengono stimolanti.

Instant Knockout Cut è adatto ai vegani?

Sì, Instant Knockout Cut è Vegan friendly, la capsula è realizzata con cellulosa vegetale.

  • Helps
    you cut
  • Faster
  • Thermogenic
  • Appetite
  • Natural
  • Trusted by

Want to make a change?

Even professional athletes find it hard to cut their weight in time for a race, fight or event. We all struggle at times to keep excess weight at bay, and that’s why Instant Knockout Cut was born. It was designed for the pros, but it’s now available for you...

Take it to the top

Instant Knockout Cut was developed to help professionals manage their weight all year round. It’s a weight management supplement. Like the pros, if you want to fight your way to the top, you’re going to need to stay in shape.

Superior, smarter
naturally sourced ingredients

Instant Knockout Cut is the leading weight management supplement and the only one trusted by real athletes.

We’ve carefully researched the most effective weight management ingredients on the market and included them in our new, improved and clinically-backed formula.

  • Increase your metabolism naturally
  • Control hunger cravings
  • Get an intense, thermogenic burn

Under the hood - Ingredients

To really fire up your body’s shredding potential, we’ve included a host of key ingredients like: 

Green Tea Extract

Green Tea Extract

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Pepper

Black Pepper Extract

Black Pepper Extract

These combine to unleash their thermogenic properties and help you feel the burn.

In order to help motivate your next workout we’ve included natural stimulants:


Caffeine Anhydrous

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12

This ensures a natural boost in your energy levels without any crashing or fatigue as a result.

Guy with wrapped first

What’s the solution?

Scientifically formulated for combat, strength and active sports, Instant Knockout Cut is the only weight management supplement trusted by professional athletes. Its powerful range of key ingredients act together to fight excess weight and get you fighting fit.

Get the Cut look

Instant Knockout Cut is now available to you. Using it can help you shed weight and reveal sculpted abs, pecks, legs and arms. It’s time to stop worrying about your weight and attain a champion's mentality. Take action now, purchase Instant Knockout Cut.

All natural ingredients

Take Control. Commit to Change. Subscribe now.

Never miss an order again - Subscribe and benefit from flexible, cancel anytime packages designed to suit your active lifestyle.

Save an extra 10%

Subscribe to Instant Knockout Cut and receive 10% off the regular price. Save big with the new Instant Knockout Cut bundles on subscription.

Cancel anytime

That's right, you have the right to cancel, pause or skip shipments at any time! Subscribe to any Instant Knockout product with ease.

Regulated, endored and verified by the FDA

Regulated, endorsed and verified quality

All Instant Knockout products are made to the highest possible quality in FDA and cGMP approved facilities. We take our reputation seriously, which is why we don’t cut any corners and make sure all our products are regulated and safe.

All of our ingredients are meticulously researched for maximum impact but also for your safety. Rest assured you’re using naturally sourced ingredients, all made to the highest possible standards here in the UK.

Why our customers love Instant Knockout

Nick, USA

Nick, USA

Age: 19, Goals: Shred down

“The results seen from Instant Knockout, while mixed with proper diet and training is amazing. I’ve tried a few others and none seemed to work as well as Instant Knockout.”

Joe, UK

Joe, UK

Age: 21, Goals: Shred fat after injury

“I used Instant Knockout for 8 weeks in order to try and shred the last bits of fat before the summer holidays. Within the first week I noticed that I had much greater energy levels, and I was now reaching PBs in the gym. The appetite suppressing effects of Instant Knockout were able to stop me from snacking on chocolate bars and crisps in between meals.”

Karol-ann, Canada

Karol-ann, Canada

Age: 20, Goals: Cut down

“Before I started taking this product I was 135 pounds. I took this product for only 2 months and with a bit of dedication I lost 15 pounds. I am so happy with the results and I have more energy and feel better then ever.”

Success Stories

Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image
Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image
Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image Instant Knockout Testimonial Image

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Instant Knockout Cut suitable for women?

Yes! Why should men be the only ones allowed to get great results? Woman can too with Instant Knockout Cut.

How often do I take Instant Knockout Cut?

To achieve the best results, we recommend that you take 1 capsule with a glass of water four times a day. Take the 1st one as soon as you wake up, the 2nd one in between breakfast and lunch, the 3rd one take 1 hour after your lunch, and the 4th one take 1 hour before your evening meal. Make sure you take your last dose no later than 5 hours before going to bed.

Does it contain any stimulants?

Yes, Instant Knockout Cut contains natural stimulants, so we don’t recommend that you take it with other supplements that contain stimulants.

Is Instant Knockout Cut Vegan friendly?

Yes, Instant Knockout Cut is Vegan friendly, the capsule is made from Vegetable Cellulose.

What are people saying
about Instant Knockout Cut?

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You're reviewing:    Instant Knockout Cut
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At first I was hesitant but half ways through this first month and already seeing results.


Love This Product!

I am a regular Instant Knockout user and absolutely stand by this product.

I have taken these fat burners for over 2 months now and have seen an incredible amount of change in my appearance. I had tried other fat burners before as I found that they were cheaper but then I came across a review on Instant Knockout.

Although a little more expensive, they are worth every penny. I spent $185 dollars on this product and in my opinion, they are by far the best Fat Burners on the market. The results are Unreal!

Thanks Instant Knockout, I can now get back into my swimming costume for my Honeymoon


Prayers have been answered

I am a single mother who has recently decided to get back into the gym after years of working and looking after my two kids. Now that they have gotten older, I have decided to put my spare time into the gym.

I was referred through to the Instant Knockout website by a friend who told me about the benefits of Instant Knockout. I was a bit sceptical about using supplements but then found out that they are a natural product.

Within three weeks of taking Instant Knockout Fat Burners, I have started to see amazing results and feel sexy and confident again. I have recently got back on to the dating scene and these are truly helping me get my confidence back.


A serious fat burner

You can have the training and the diet, but you’re still going to be missing a part… if you use Instant Knockout and apply diet and training, you’re going to get maximum results.


Need A Fat Burner – This is it!

The thing that attracted me to using Instant Knockout was the fact that the products are all natural. There are so many reviews online from many different sources that all give great ratings on Instant Knockout.

I decided to buy one box to see if I would see a difference in my weight. I have been overweight for years and have always struggled with saying ‘no’ to food. My mate has been getting me into the gym recently and I have been taking these fat burners as recommended by Instant Knockout.

Not only has Instant Knockout helped me to lose weight, it has also suppressed my appetite. I have the bug for the gym now and highly recommend using these fat burners. I will be re-ordering more as I am still not at my goal just yet.



I bought these due to the various 5 star reviews across the internet.

I wasn’t sure if it was going to work as I have used other brands recently and hadn’t seen any results.

But I have to say that Instant knockout is amazing.

Iv been sticking to an intense workout program where I have been losing around 3kg a week without the pills.
It’s only been a week taking these pills but already on my weekly weigh in iv actually lost 7kg this week and the only thing iv changed is swapping to Instant knockout!!

I have to say this is a must buy product and really does work, especially combining them with a high intensity weight and cardio workout!!!!


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#GetKnockoutFit ORA

Leggi queste dichiarazioni.

  • Ho un eccesso di peso che faccio fatica a eliminare
  • Ho progressi lenti o risultati deludenti, nonostante il duro lavoro in palestra
  • Ho provato altri prodotti ma non hanno avuto effetto

Se le affermazioni suonano familiari, allora Instant Knockout Cut potrebbe essere la soluzione che stavi cercando .

I campioni di boxe e MMA si fidano dei nostri prodotti, e anche tu dovresti.

Prendi il vantaggio e distruggi il grasso, mantieni i muscoli, fai girare la testa e distruggi i tuoi obiettivi.

Supportato dalla scienza, supportato dai professionisti e ora disponibile per te.

A te la scelta.